Smoke analysis

Petrell performs smoke studies to support the design teams and to verify that a particular design meets the defined performance requirements.

We investigate the possibility of smoke spreading through ventilation system from a fire inside a room.

For the event of internal fire in a non-hazardous area with low fire risk, the strategy is to keep ventilation system serving area running. The background for this strategy is to provide maximum protection for personnel and equipment by removing smoke from fire area and escape ways.


Gas dispersion

Due to the flexible gridding system in Brilliant we can model very large release scenarios, using a relatively low number of control volumes. Contour lines (concentrations) can be shown for each individual component in the gas or smoke.

Indoor climate control

We can model and simulate the performance of temperature controlled heating and ventilation systems. The animation below shows air flow and temperature development of a container filled with electrical equipment. The model includes the variation in ambient temperatures from night to day. Field measurements eventually showed that our projections were within 1 °C for all positions (where measurements were made) at all times.

Do you want more information?

Please send us an enquiry, and we’ll be in touch as soon as possible. We always look forward to hear from you!


